The following processd describes East to West Reblocking's step by step approach to reblocking a house.
Step 1. We first clear every thing that's around the side of your house. We then remove your plinthboards.
Step 2. We then go under the house and remove all rubbish and obstacles that are placed under the house. This is called the clean up stage.

Step 3. We then make the house Safe before any work takes place. We put the jacks up and make the house safe both for the owners and the workers who are going to be restumping the house.

Step 4. Once the jacks have been properly positioned in the correct and safe way, work then begins to take place. The workers of East to West Reblocking then begin to knock the old red gum stumps out. Once the red gum stumps are removed, a hole is dug in the exact place and soil removed out the hole. The depth of the hole should be a minimum of 600mm under the load bearing walls and 500mm under the floor where there's no weight.
Step 5. Once every single red gum stump has been removed, an inspection is then under taken by local council or a private surveyor. By then the house is held up by the jacks only.
Step 6. Once the the inspection has taken place, and has been approved by the relevant authority East to West Reblocking will then start to computer level the house. Our computer level is as accurate as is gets. It reads in millimeters so your bound to get great results.
Step 7. After the computer level, we then start taking measurements of holes to put the right size stumps in (concrete stumps). When the concrete stumps arrive, we start hanging them to the bearers for concreting.

Step 8. The final stage of restumping comes when we order the concrete. The concrete must be at 32mpa. That is the strength of the concrete. Anything less than 32mpa is bad for restumping. It's good to use good and strong strength concrete when restumping. We also hire a pump truck to pump the concrete through under the house to get to every single hole. East to West Reblocking always makes sure to leave a pad of minimum of 200mm to 250mm under the stumps to ensure there is enough concrete and a solid base to support the stump which in return supports the weight of the house.

While the concreting is taking place, every single outside stump has a treated pine placed in the hole with a stump. The reason for this is that when plinth boards are put on later, the plinths can be nailed to the treated pine to hold the plinths up.
Step 9. After 2 to 3 days when the concrete has settled, we then come back and remove the jacks from the house. Then we backfill the holes with the soil that's been dug out. Please do take note, when concreting the house, we do not concrete all the way to the top. The reason behind that is that we need to back fill the soil on top of each hole.
After that, the job is completed. East to West will put on new plinth boards if requested by the owner.
East to West will then write the owner a 7 year written guarantee. If there is any problem in the future, we are committed to returning and fixing any problems that does occur if it occurs.